Mr. Ray E. Shell April 25, 1917 - August 21, 2012 Age 95 Funeral Service: Albertville Memorial Chapel 11 a.m. Saturday, August 25, 2012 Interment: Bethsaida Cemetery Officiating: Rev. Mike Springfield Rev. Harold Brown Music: Joe Donald Maples Casket-Bearers: Joe Etterer, Christian J. Shell, David Shell, Chris Maloney, Mark Springfield Honorary Casket-Bearers: Joe Maples, J. C. Birdsong, and Members of Bethsaida Baptist Church Survived By Wife: Roena S. Shell Son: Michael Ray (Marissa) Shell Daughters: Barbara Lynn Shell Judith (Sepp) Etterer Nine Grandchildren Seven Great-Grandchildren Brother: Bobby (Betty) Shell Sister: Jean Arnold Several Nieces & Nephews ~ ~ ~ Preceded in death by: Parents: Emory & Eula Shell Son-In-Law: Dennis Stone Brothers: Harold, Bernard, Gerald, Coy & Harley Wayne Shell Alberville Memorial Chapel Directing